Wednesday, April 05, 2006

they all seem to be going away and I keep standing

1. I'm tired......extremely tired...It's more my brain than my body because really you can't be tired physicaly when you're sitting all day long...Your muscles can get stiff and shit but that's all......

2. Listening to Pearl Jam CD that Miki made me today and sent it via mail in old fashioned way...

3. By the way will anyone go with me to Franz Ferdinand show on 17th?? I have tix!! Miki had to cancel and I'll be able to tell you more about it later but for now it's not for public ;-)))...Lets just say I'm very happy for her. So if anyone wants to go with me on April 17th please let me know...My sis has exams so she can't go even if she wants to and I don't mind getting up for work next morning..I have to see those guys and you bitches have to come with me...well only one bitch...depends who ends up willing to go :D

4. I have a show tomorrow and the band that I wanna see starts at 8pm so if I don't find anyone to go with me I'll go on my own....I just figured that I don't need people to keep me company all the time anyway...and why bother and keep asking them when they're not into it as same as I am.....I do love music more than I love you so there you go *how evil of me muahahahah* :P

5. Today I ended up reading (at work lol) lots of reviews music related...So I went to read some stuff from Spill Magazine....My opinion is they need to work on it more....Some of their writers don't know how to make it sound exciting...I'm not gonna name names but as I said it lacks some good writing...But again they just started so they'll improve with the time I'm sure....How about they let me write for them, heheheh....nope they don't look for writers...They already found those they wanted...or should I say those they knew from before, something like friend of a friend kind of thing going on....the usual thing in this society...

6. Ok I think I need to take a brain is not functioning at the moment...:-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. If no one wants to go just go by yourself (to FF show) and sell the other ticket to someone on the street hahahahaahahaha....that would work! I'm sure someone will want to go. Hm i was thinking about Saira i know she doesn't listen to that kind of music but maybe she'd want to go. Who knows? So your sis is having exams? Oh that's too bad.:( I think Saira might have exams as well but it's worth asking. If you want you canwrite her a message. What about Miriam??? Lally??? Sasa???

2. As your days at work are passing you are going to get more comfortable with it so even if you are not sure what to do right now it will come to you.

3. I miss you! Krmaco jedna!!!
pa-pa :)