Monday, June 05, 2006

My share

This is just a short observation. Sometimes I simply don't want to watch TV, or news, or where the war is going on, or who is dying, or how this world is simply going to hell. I simply avoid that kind of visual entertainment...I had my share of pain during the war in Bosnia...I had enough of pain in my life that I cannot take more of it....So don't think that I don't care or that I'm cold....I simply don't need my heart to break everytime I see someone cry, or someone being shot.....TV is shit...I do not watch all that tragedy that is happening in this f*cked up world....BUT do not forget that is the way this world will never be will never be 100% peaceful....but life is beautiful in all it's painful glory....You just have to find your own light....and it will take you to a better place....

I'm just tired of always hearing about people dying....I need a break from don't mind if I don't watch TV....I prefer nature, sunlight, pen and paper, music, my guitar, and smell of an old book.....I prefer listening to my friends and my family, listening to inspiring people I meet while walking on this road of mine called life....Don't hate me for leaving room when news is on....
I need break from all that pain...I had my share....


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you wrote this blog and i'll tell you why.
Recently i've heard some people say (mainly stupid little actresses) that if you don't listen to news, or read a newspaper and know what is current in this awful world then you are ignorant.
How could they say things like that? They are the ignorant *ucking people. Did they stop for a second and think that some people didn't have an easy life, childhood or whatever, that some of us have seen enough and felt enough anguish that we can't take anymore.
Because of CNN i stopped eating breakfast a while ago (at least until i move out of this 'home' i live in now). I couldn't stand eating and listening to all that bullshit.
I don 't trust media one bit. I've lived through the times when media lied and plotted nasty things.
This world is not getting any better but while i live i want to live in peace. You're right, not listening to the news doesn't make us cold or uncaring. We have earned our right for a break.
Love, M

Dee said...

Well I had to make some modifications in my usual spelling mistakes or the wrong words...I'm such a perfectionist sometimes..I see the some little wrong word or spelling and I have to go back and correct it.

But enough of that..Yes, I figured that I'm tired of all that shit that they sbow on TV...I saw plenty of it during the war back home and while other kids were having fun we were fighting to stay alive and safe. So why bother and watch all the shit. I'm not ignorant..I simply cannot stand all the pain..Some people only see it on TV ...but you and I saw it in real life..We for sure deserve our break...Everyone else can keep watching...

Thanks for such cool comment..You rock as you already know:-))..I hope you're feeling better these days...miss Mom ;-))